Saturday, May 21, 2011

Bachelorette Premiere Countdown

Hello my Bachelor / Bachelorette friends!

It’s been a long time since we last gabbed about our favorite “reality” TV show. You may be wondering why I left you hanging with no summary of the "Final Rose" or “After the Final Rose” episodes. Well, the truth is, the week of the final rose, I was sent off crying just like Chantal with a C. Most of you know the story and I want to make sure my dear, wonderful, amazing friends know how much I love and appreciate them. I cried on so many shoulders and talked off so many ears. Thank you! For the rest of you, here's the scoop...

I was wooed by my very own Brad Womack…lots of muscles, not a lot of brains…and carrying a lot of baggage that was supposedly dealt with during “intensive therapy.” My Brad had me fooled just like Dentist Ashley, Chantal with a C and Shawntel with an S. Fooled that he is a good person, and fooled into thinking he was going to give me that final rose. Then, just as suddenly as the Bachelor bids adieu to his runner up, I was left standing shocked in my fancy dress. But, as we all know from watching “After the Final Rose,” just like those ladies who were sent off in tears, I dodged a bullet. A crazy bullet with nice muscles.

So, as you can see, I just didn’t have it in me to write about rose petals and love that week. But now that my heart has had some time to heal, I'm rip roarin' and ready to welcome back Dentist Ashley as the next Bachelorette.

But first, what’s happened since Brad Womack chose Southern Belle Mommy Emily to be his “bride”?

• We found out that Brad has an anger issue
• Brad & Emily broke up
• Brad & Emily made up
• Vienna found love! With…wait for it…Casey! Yes, it’s true. Casey is now guarding and protecting Vienna’s heart!
• It was announced that Jerky Jake Pavelka is teaming up with Heidi Montag (oh this’ll be good!) and a crazy lady from one of the “Real Housewives” shows for a reality TV show where they will open a restaurant together. Even I won’t watch that one…and that’s sayin’ something!
• Brad & Emily broke up
• Melissa Rycroft, who once endured Bachelor heartbreak, had a precious little baby girl
• Brad & Emily = TBD, but chances are slim to none that they’ll tie the knot

So that brings us to today in Bachelor/Bachelorette world. I must say that when it was announced that Dentist Ashley would be the next Bachelorette, I was disappointed. She was so annoying (oh that voice!) and not at all interesting. But then a friend reminded me that, the more annoying the girl, the better the blog material. And previews show that ABC has thrown some real, errr, winners into Ashley’s batch of 25 suitors. So, come Monday, I’m looking forward to a doosie of a premiere!

Until Monday!

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