Monday, February 20, 2012

The Bachelor Week 8: Hometown Hoedown!

It’s hometown date night y’all!

The first Hometown Hoedown was with Lindzi. Ben met her at her family’s horse farm in Florida where they went on a carriage ride. She looked ridiculously country chic from head to toe, spurs and all. A style that makes me want to marry a southern boy. I rock some cowboy boots every now and again, but here in Ohio they tend to turn heads in a “huh?” kind of way.

Ben’s style was more country bumpkin than country chic. Not so cute.
Ben and Lindzi spent a nice afternoon / evening with Lindzi's parents, who, for the record, are fabulous. They competed in some carriage races (with the losers pulling the winners' carriage back to the house), had dinner and enjoyed smores over a campfire. Perfecto!

The next Hometown Hoedown was with Kacie B. And as we saw her walking into what had to be her high school football stadium, I saw baton twirling coming from a mile away. Recall Kacie was a majorette growing up and through college. What I wasn't expecting was the entire high school marching band. It was entrance alright!
After her performance, Kacie told Ben that the football stadium is named after her grandfather, who she really admired. She also told him how much she admired her grandparents' relationship and how much they taught her about love. She poured out her heart and soul and shared the story of her grandmother's passing. And Ben said, "Uh huh. That's great."
Wanna' know what's not great? Ben! Have I mentioned I don't care for him?

Ben, the Winemaker, then went to meet Kacie's anti-alcohol parents. While Kacie told them she's in love with Ben, they are skeptical, and rightfully so. They were very nice to Ben but he certainly ddidn't win them over! And I bet if they saw his youtube video, "Cream Dreams," they would be even less impressed.

Next Ben was off to Fort Worth, Texas for Hometown Hoedown number three, this time with Nicki. Their first stop was to a boot store. And the store was amazing...I need to go to Fort Worth immediately! After getting dolled up in their Texas gear, they moseyed over to the local saloon for a drink. Nicki thought Ben looked cute, but to be clear, I would have died a thousand deaths to be on a date with this guy...
Then off to Nicki's parents house, where Ben surprised me by being semi-charming. Either he's really comfortable with Nicki and she's the one, or he wasn't nervous because he's just not that into her. So, Ben won over Nicki's parents and I think Nicki's warm and inviting family helped Nicki score some much-needed bonus points with Ben.
Could Nicki be Ben's Southern Cinderella?

Last and least, Ben met Courtney in Scottsdale, Arizona for her Hometown HO-down.

Seeing Courtney with her family, hearing her tell them how much she cares for Ben, allllllmost convinced me she's a good person. But I know better.

And then Courtney took Ben to a park and she turned crazy. It's a park where she has always envisioned herself getting married. Then she forced him to write vows before they walked up the aisle to a pastor (?) for a fake wedding to recite said vows. They continued with the weird fake wedding, putting fake rings on each other's hands, kissing the bride, etc.
Honestly, I hope he ends up with Courtney. The other girls are too good for him.

In the end, the roses went to (in this order): Courtney (boooo), Lindzi, and Nicki. That left Kacie B, a season front-runner, broken-hearted. Ben offered Kacie nothing more than "I'm sorry," but I suspect it had something to do with her family's strong, conservative values.

He'll definitely be owing Kacie an explanation at the "After the Final Rose" show. And he'd better come up with something better than, "Well, the romantic overnight date nights were next and I was pretty sure you wouldn't put out."

My heart was breaking for Kacie as she cried in the limo, "I was stupid. Why am I not good enough? Like I don't get it." Kacie, you don't get it because it's not that you're not good enough. It's that you're way way way too good for him! In time she'll see that! And hopefully all of the other girls will too.

Until then, we get to go to Switzerland next weekend for a romantic getaway.

Have a good week!

Friday, February 17, 2012

The Bachelor weeks 6&7: Worst Dates Ever

We have two weeks to catch up on in preparation for Monday’s hometown dates.

I’ve been slow to write because I’ve found myself busy living in a real life Bachelor episode. Fortunately, those years of dedicated Bachelor viewing have really paid off as they’ve helped me to navigate this crazy love triangle. Whoever said reality TV is a waste of time?

Anyway, I don’t remember much from two weeks ago. I don’t remember much for three reasons.

1) It was almost two weeks ago

2) My girls couldn’t come over to watch the drama unfold, so instead of focusing, I alternated between watching the Bachelor and reading Tina Fey’s book, “Bossypants.” I’ll give you one guess which I found more enjoyable. To make sure we’re all on the same page here, Tina is funny. Ben is only funny looking. Tina’s book is awesome. Ben’s dates are awesomely bad.

3) Some friends came over halfway through the show, at which point we popped a bottle of champagne to toast to my friend’s new adventures in life…and that trumped Ben’s boring dates.

But from what I recall, here’s what happened…

Usually the dates on these dating shows are incredibly romantic, adventurous and fun. ABC just keeps topping each date with something more and more amazing. But this season, Ben keeps topping each date with something more and more torturous.

I thought two weeks ago was bad when he made the girls compete for more time with him in an uber-competitive softball game. I would have been oooooout if I had been on that date.
To quote Courtney the model, "Winning."

Since breaking my hand playing volleyball, I have sworn to never play team sports ever again. And no man, especially Ben, would be worth those flashbacks or the risk of getting more titanium in what I now call my "Wolverine Hand" and having to rock this bad-ass splint for another six weeks. At least my sister brought me a ring pop to bling up my busted hand and make me laugh about the ridiculousness of my situation.
My brother-in-law also came, with hand-related gifts in tow. Among them this amazing hand bird bath, which still makes me laugh every time I look at it sitting on my deck.
After high-fiving, praying and shaking hands with the hand bird bath we painted its nails. 'Cause when given nail polish and a hand bird bath, do you really have any other option?
And yes, I realize these are by far the most horrendous pictures of me ever taken. I share them with you because I trust you.

But back to the show....

Ben topped that ridiculous baseball game by taking Katie B on a survivor-themed boobie prize of a date. After a helicopter dropped the lovebirds off on an uninhabited island in Panama…oh no, they were all alone!

I mean, except for the camera guy, the microphone guy, the lighting guy. So they had the worst date of all time and literally pretended they were stranded, cutting down coconuts and fishing with a net. They did catch a fish but they likely threw it back. Then Kacie told us how “hot” been looked (“mmm mmm mmm”) while he tried to cut open a coconut with a machete to no avail. And I quote, “We lost the juice!”
It was awful to watch. Then after they miraculously made it off the deserted island, they had a nice dinner, over which Kacie confided in Ben that she used to have an eating disorder. It felt good for her to get it off her chest and Ben “makes it so easy.” So easy because he’s so dull. After pouring out her heart he said…nothing. He’s impressive.

Next Ben tortured all the ladies on the group date by taking them to a small village to don tribal gear and dance in the rain and mud with a bunch of scantily clad overweight tribal people. Of course, our dear friend Courtney the skinny dipping model decided not to wear her bikini top under the tribal gear, leaving her tatas somewhat exposed.
And to top it all off, she decided to “Shake it like Polaroid picture” all over the village.
Eh, it’s nothing Ben hasn’t seen before. But it is something he asked to see more of. Which Courtney, the skinny dipping model, happily agreed to.

What made this date extra terrible is that the girls had to hang out with Ben while he was wearing this:

This past week, Ben and the ladies took a romantic getaway to Belize. There were three one-on-one dates and one group date.

Ben took Lindzi (I still can’t get over that name) on a helicopter ride (shocking!) after which they jumped into the ocean. Lindzi and Ben had an “awesome” time. It was “awesome.” Awesome. Lindzi seems sweet, but dumb. She is also orange, as my friend Sam pointed out to me via text. To which I responded, “Oompa lumpa doompa dee do.”

Next Emily and Ben wandered around Belize. They tried to buy a lobster but the actor, I mean, the local lobster fisherman told them he was sold out. But, lo and behold, he offered to take Ben and Emily lobster fishing. They accepted (even though that's a terrible idea for a date) and Emily, who is a smart PhD candidate, got swept up in the silliness and said how she loves how spontaneous Ben is. Dear Emily, there was nothing spontaneous about that lobster hunt.

Anyway, they had some “spontaneous” fun and a lobster dinner. After this date, I thought Emily would be sticking around for next week’s hometown dates. But in the end, she’s simply going home.

The remaining girls all went on a group date swimming with sharks, which I'm sure is exactly what they were hoping for. Rachel monopolized Ben’s time by pretending to be scared. Clever, but it didn’t work and he sent her home, too.
What also didn’t work was the girls’ attempted intervention with Ben, warning him about how evil Courtney the model is. It has become quite clear to everyone except Ben that she doesn’t give a shit about him and just wants to win the game. Although, she did offer the cameras a few semi-convincing tears. But faces like this as the other girls discuss how much they care for Ben tell a different, and more truthful, story.
Yes, that's what my face looks like when I think about Ben, too.

Next week we’ll be heading home with Lindzi, Kacie, Nicki and Courtney.

Until then, I’ll be prepping for my own rose ceremony…wish me luck!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The Bachelor Week 5: Best of What's Around

A wise man named Dave Matthews once told me, “Turns out not where, but who you’re with, that really matters.”

It’s true, which is why, for the first time, I enjoyed watching the Bachelor this season…because my girlfriends came over to laugh with me...and sometimes laugh at me.

It is also why the Bachelorettes had a miserable week with boring Ben despite being on the beautiful island of Vieques in Puerto Rico. No location could make Ben an interesting Bachelor. It truly is who you're with that really matters.

Mr. Matthews also once said, “Funny the way it is, not right or wrong, somebody's heart is broken, and it becomes your favorite song.” I guess it is funny, and it kinda’ feels wrong, that I enjoy this horrible show that leaves so many hearts broken. And this from a girl who has been there, done that, many times.

But, while ABC makes millions off these ladies, I'm not amused by their pain. As I watch kind, beautiful girls like Elyse and Jennifer Rabbit (I liked her because she’s an accountant), who were both eliminated last week, cry over a zero-personality Josh Groban look-alike, I want to sing Dave’s words to them through the television.

“If you hold on tight, to what you think is your thing, you may find you’re missing all the rest.”

So, get over him, ladies! I have never seen a man so boring with hair that suffers so intensely from humidity as Ben. The more time you spend crying over him, the more time you’re spending missing all the better guys, better friends, better everything out there!
Really, this is what they're crying about?

Despite their initial grief, I expect that at this point, all of Ben’s castoffs are celebrating with their friends as they view these episodes. They must now be relieved that they got away from him and are laughing at themselves for crying. Dave tells us, “Celebrate we will, for life is short, but sweet for certain.” Sweet, sweet relief. Go celebrate!

And they must really be over him after watching him “Crash into” Courtney after she asked him to go skinny dipping with her. Despite being on national television and despite having “real” feelings and a “connection” with eight other girls sitting yards away, Ben accepted. “I’ll drink your poison if you fill the cup,” Dave says. So Ben drank it. And he liked it.

Well, I don’t like Ben. But I do like getting together with my girlfriends on Monday nights to laugh about him.

So, despite this boring season, we’ll “Make the best of what’s around,” and celebrate the best thing about this show…that it brings friends together for a few laughs. And you, my friends, are certainly, the very best of what’s around…
…especially when you block my view from the computer screen so I don’t accidentally see the season’s spoiler alerts you were google-ing!

Until next week, this ant has to go marching...
